Saturday, January 11, 2014

Steve Tool's: Evocative Enviorments

Ajanta Caves

I do a lot of work as an author, game designer, art director, layout artist, and publisher.

So I am here to post some more of the tools I use. This time lets look at some of the real world inspiration I use to help design more evocative locations than a 10x10 room with a chest in it.

The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World - Imgur

Weird and Exotic Places on Earth

Evocative Places

22 Unbelievable Places that are Hard to Believe Really Exist


Steve's Other Tools

Steve's Tools: Adventure Design 

Steve's Tools: Encounter Design


  1. Design more evocative locations than a 10x10 room with a chest in it.

  2. Those temples in India are frikking amazing-- covered in sculpture pulled right out of the walls, and in many cases, aligned with celestial events. They were lost for a long time, too. IIRC, they're from 1C BC or 1C AD, right in there. They're old!
